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Full Version: Proposal for a new Sci Data Mining System
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I think most people would agree that the current system for ”mining” sci data isn’t very fun or interesting. The gameplay consists of shooting a single, unmoving target while usually one or two allies runs back and forth carrying ammunition.

Triangulation Mining
I propose a different way to harvest sci data. Instead of shooting anomalies, use a triangulation system. In every sci-data system randomly pick a point where the “anomaly” is located (limited to being somewhere on the plane, in the bounds of the system map). Give sci data mining ships a special module. When activated the module scans for a moment, and then reads out a distance to the anomaly location. Each time the module scans some ammunition is used. When the module is activated within ~1km or so of the anomaly location, the scanning ship receives sci data, maybe through spawning a weak anomaly NPC to shoot. When scanned, the anomaly location is then re-randomized for the system.

This system would require more attention than simply blasting an inert target, and would reward skill through efficiency. The better you are, the less ammunition you’ll use for each sci data reward. Done perfectly it should take only 4 scans.

In addition, as a noob friendly feature, activating the module in a non sci-data system could give the user a message pointing them to the correct systems.

  • Pick a secret anomaly location for each sci data system
  • Give sci data ships a special mining module, when activated it gives the distance to the anomaly location
  • When the module is activated near the location, Sci data is rewarded, and the location is re-randomized
  • This exchanges tedium for a puzzle.