05-30-2022, 05:24 AM
New Shipping Bonuses
Picking up where Slappy left off, we've updated and expanded the Shipping Faction bonuses to continue to give thematic routes suited for factions that are not mining-centric in nature. These routes are intended to give additional gameplay in line with their faction/house's lore and take players to interesting destinations.
Any feedback is welcomed, and report any issues you might have in the event I missed something.
Any feedback is welcomed, and report any issues you might have in the event I missed something.
- Gateway Shipping: Robocultivars - Planet Honshu, Honshu -> Planet New London, New London
- IDF Shipping: Biostability Monitors - Planet Quillan, Languedoc -> Niigata Star City, Sigma 59
- USI: H-Fuel - Niigata Star City -> Cordova Shipping Platform, Magellan
- RGS Shipping: Samarium - Planet Nevers, Burgundy -> Mainz Storage Facility, Frankfurt
- Bowex: Ultralloy - Leicester Shipping Platform, Omega 3 -> Sulawesi Citadel, Tau 44
- Synth Foods: Biodome Materials - Riverside Station, California -> Freeport 8, Sigma 15
- Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: Synth. Marijuana - Atka Research Station, Sigma 17 -> Planet Curacao, Cortez
- Planetform, Inc.: Neodymium - Planet Tomioka, Tottori -> Birmingham Station, Manchester
- Kishiro Technologies: Fertilizers - Planet Holstein, Frankfurt -> Nago Station, Tau 29
New Factions Added:
- Interspace Commerce: Damaged Freight Assets - Planet Denver, Colorado -> Bonn Station, New Berlin
- Ageira Technologies: Ageira White Boxes - Pueblo Station, Colorado -> Harrogate Station, Leeds