Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Catch me up - please
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Travelers of the 'Verse:

So, I'm returning to my Disco duties from a semi-planned break that spiralled into a more lengthy series of unfortunate events, and trying to pick up where I left off and somewhat struggling to do so with my head outta the game for so long and distracted by said unfortunate events, so I could use your help! I had several ideas in discussion and bouncing around various community members and groups prior to this hiatus.

So hit me up through Discord if you were involved with these (besides those I've been connecting with in the last couple days) or if you have have other Economy/trading focused ideas, also hit me up.

And to those who applied for the Econ position, I will be finalizing that process hopefully this week as well. Apologies for the impromptu silence.
I hope all is well with you and yours, my friend. Besides my weekly supply runs to a certain base in the Taus, I'm probably further out of the loop than you. But I'll get my rusted gears churning again to see if we can make some ideas!
Some unfortunate events happen to pass, I hope that you are okay mate
Welcome back and good luck Smile - Feel welcome to join us on the voice chat at discord xD
I welcome you back old friend