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Greetings fellow Hunters, Misha here (ig-Misha.Gottlich)

I'm looking for some other BH pilots to fly with. I fly under a [BHG] license and my character originates from the Liberty space (Texas system) I'd like to hone my combat skills as well as take on bounties and get a better edge on how to maximize my ship loadout. I currently fly a Rheinland Armored Transport, and I really do enjoy it a lot! I think I'm eventually looking to upgrade to a gunboat at some point in the future and I'd like to get more practice and experience with combat tactics and maneuvers.

I've been playing Freelancer since 2008 but I took several years off and just recently got back into the game. I'm extremely new to Discovery and really need help with loadouts and general gameplay changes (WTF is cloaking!!!) I'm a veteran RP player and I love to immerse myself in the game world, but again, I'm very new to Discovery and would really benefit from some history lessons or interesting stories of recent in game events during long flights or while on patrol hunting for marks.

I live on the east cost USA, New York to be specific (NOT the city). I play mainly in the AM hours, but I am able to play whenever if someone wants to fly another time of day. Any players that would be interested in getting a crew together can contact me here, or on my Discord.

Discord: Sevierience#9637

Hope to see you in space
Good Hunting
Misha; out
I recommend hitting up either BHG| (the no longer official main bounty hunter faction) or the Hitman Agency (who right now seem to be coming back from a hiatus).

Edit: I believe is currently running the former, don't know who's in charge of the latter.
Love seeing more people returning - especially with interest in RP!

BHG| is Darius, yes. If you are interested, i could pass you an invitation to the Hitman Agency Discord if you are interested.
Though most other BHG| members mainly play for shootie-shootie, if you want to fly alongside the big boss of the squad, do shoot me a message, either in Discord or on the forum. That, and if you need GB practice, I can help out a fair bit. My timezone's UTC+3 (Bucharest time), so quite a fair bit behind.

Word of notice, however: my character is heavily leaning towards making "unexpected donations" to enemies to save his skin.
(02-07-2023, 04:14 PM)Darius Wrote: [ -> ]Though most other BHG| members mainly play for shootie-shootie, if you want to fly alongside the big boss of the squad, do shoot me a message, either in Discord or on the forum. That, and if you need GB practice, I can help out a fair bit. My timezone's UTC+3 (Bucharest time), so quite a fair bit behind.

Word of notice, however: my character is heavily leaning towards making "unexpected donations" to enemies to save his skin.

Well my character has some story RP stuff going on at the moment (Just my own SP Story) so I am kinda flying mostly solo at the moment. I'm looking for training in the short term.

But long term, I am looking for a good Crew to run with. RP, chase bounties, or even just run missions with someone to chat with. I do Discord voice chat, I don't know how often pilots fly with their comms on, but it would be great to have someone to chat with sometime.

I'll message you on discord, hopefully we can hook up in space sometime soon. Tongue
Hello there, glad to see you're looking for BHG faction, you are more than welcome to join us to the Hitman Agency,
we also like to do trainings and voice chat here and there aswell, i've sent you a discord invitation if you with to,
Happy flying Smile