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Full Version: A disco side mod?
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*Coughs* Well, erm...heres my idea. You have another server (not to big) running a side mod of discovery. This side mod would be very small and (this is the point when you probably want to kill me) not an RP mod but a PVP mod. It would feature maybee 10 systems max. You would also have most of the disco ships selling from bases.

I think it would be a good idea...

1] Its small and easy to find players
2] It would drive away alot of the lolwut cap spammers out there.
3] It would be a nice place for a quick little duel.

Sooo, what do you think? ;)
Didn't disco have a pvp server before......Besides, conneticut is small enough eh? lol
Discovery had a PVP server during the 4.83 era.

Unfortunately all three of your arguments in favour have been found to be false, the server was always dead, it didn't help with capspam at all, and people seem to prefer dueling in a lively environment.
Quote:Unfortunately all three of your arguments in favour have been found to be false, the server was always dead, it didn't help with capspam at all, and people seem to prefer dueling in a lively environment.

Really? I think the reason the server was dead is because the discovery universe is too big. Thats why I was suggesting only a few small systems. And conneticut, well it serves the purpose but no one just goes in there just for the sake of it.