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Full Version: Looking for people interested in learning Systems Development.
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If there is anyone who is really looking forward learning systems development and potentially becoming a systems developer to the Discovery Development Team, please hit me up in Discord: Groshyr#7934.

Please contact me only if you really interested in learning so I won't waste my effort and time in vain. If you are in my blacklist - PM on forum.

Having some previous experience with Freelancer Mod Studio, Freelancer modding in general, VS Code or Notepad++ or at least basic sense of taste and ability to understand when its aesthetically ugly and when not is welcome.

Disclaimer: this is not a dev recruiting post and is my own initiative.
Hey Groshyr, glad to see you!

Well, I am willing, you know me, I know you. I attempted to become sysdev now thrice, granted one was questionable but: I'm willing to help, for realsies this time, and I acknowledge it's not a dev recruitment post. I have the experience, probably a bit rusty now but I do have some, better than nothing. Worst case is me and the schedule, I won't display it here, but I am on multiple fronts, so hence why my schedule will either be fulfilling duties the same day, or the exact opposite

I already said I'm willing to, especially after the leaks I've seen.

What do you think?
Contact me on Discord of course if you're interested

I chose to do it here in the first place as to not force myself, please understand
I don't remember putting you into a blacklist nor you being there so I see no reason for you writing a dramatic novel here while you could just drop a word in my PM in Discord.
My bad, thought it was at least you know, étiquette or something, am I this dramatic? Heh. I'll drop you a DM later, I just wanted to make sure my offer was acceptable before barging in