08-09-2023, 04:19 PM
Given the abundance of free time that I now have, I've went ahead and set up a small and fancy Discord server for people that want to or will want to play Wild both now and in the patch and for those that also want a fairly relaxing environment to talk in and discuss various topics.
We'll be flying every now and then for both roleplay and PvP encounters, so come along if you want to have some extra fun alongside some (I hope) relatively important Wild ships and characters. Nomads, regardless if they're K'Hara or Vagrant, are welcome to join as well.
Discord link is: https://discord.gg/XrC9ca7PZy
PS: No, we'll not be making a faction outta this, we'll be flying just indies and such.
PPS: If participants in this server show up a lot in-game, I'll consider requesting SRPs for other ship allowances so there's more freedom in what can be flown.
Given the abundance of free time that I now have, I've went ahead and set up a small and fancy Discord server for people that want to or will want to play Wild both now and in the patch and for those that also want a fairly relaxing environment to talk in and discuss various topics.
We'll be flying every now and then for both roleplay and PvP encounters, so come along if you want to have some extra fun alongside some (I hope) relatively important Wild ships and characters. Nomads, regardless if they're K'Hara or Vagrant, are welcome to join as well.
Discord link is: https://discord.gg/XrC9ca7PZy
PS: No, we'll not be making a faction outta this, we'll be flying just indies and such.
PPS: If participants in this server show up a lot in-game, I'll consider requesting SRPs for other ship allowances so there's more freedom in what can be flown.