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[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: 2NPuoLa.png?1]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: g3e7Byz.png]

Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Genevieve Uihara
Subject: Departure

Miss Uihara.

I hope made it to wherever you were headed?

Can't imagine things are pleasant even if somewhat uneventful for you now by comparison, which is why even though you made the offer to return the favor somehow - I'll just hold back on that entirely and let you steer clear of complications.

Send me a postcard if anything.

"Liberty or death."

☠ Transmission signal lost.
[Image: Gen_Comms.png]

》》》 FROM: Genevieve Uihara

》》》 TO: Alliance Commander "Cobra"

》》》 SUBJECT: Departure


It's kind of you to check in on us. Yes, we made it to where we were going.

Bretonia. None of my crew are too fond of visiting the place, but a few of us still have connections there from our pre-Zoner days, meaning we should be able to find some work easily enough and earn a few credits. The Spirit is long overdue for some proper maintenance and it won't pay for itself. As for the favor, I am not letting you off the hook that easily. If you ever find yourself in need of having something hauled outside of Liberty - or even within its borders, if the heat ever blows over -, you let us know. I insist.

Genevieve Uihara,
Captain of the Spirit of Fortune.

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: 2NPuoLa.png?1]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: g3e7Byz.png]

Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Genevieve Uihara
Subject: Departure

Miss Uihara.

Heh, Bretonia. Parents tried to ship me off to Cambridge for college, spared myself from that drudgery with the help of an uncle. It's good that you're pursuing opportunity where able though, and assertiveness suits you. But despite the appeal I'm hesitant to take you up on that offer, because it's not any less risky than what you just tried to do in Pennsylvania.

I'll think about it. Keep in touch though.

"Liberty or death."

☠ Transmission signal lost.