Louder Than Words
First may I say congrats to the winning Royalists. We gave you a good run for your money! Though there were bumps in the road I think this went over well and overall everyone had fun. Thanks and ggs to those who played! ~Fleet Admiral Scott Garand
My feedback is to exist more outside of events and do your best to not end up depending on events for activity. There's a ton of roleplay avenues to go through in the Taus, or Bretonia, or Kusari, or Gallia rather than some bland "yeah just log in for 20mins and blast each other on snubs first then on caps" type of memery.
stop targeting me first
But in all seriousness, I enjoyed the event even if my participation in it was slightly limited. I'm always in favour of anything that can bring a bit of activity into the Taus, and the little bit of roleplay dressing around it is something else I like seeing as well.
Thanks to everyone involved in both arranging and fine-tuning the brawl, because I know there was a bit of back-and-forth liaising going on to keep all sides happy.
i got to shoot someone
i didn't get mouse lag nor did it take 500 hours to start
works for me
(08-20-2023, 06:58 PM)Darius Wrote: [ -> ]My feedback is to exist more outside of events and do your best to not end up depending on events for activity. There's a ton of roleplay avenues to go through in the Taus, or Bretonia, or Kusari, or Gallia rather than some bland "yeah just log in for 20mins and blast each other on snubs first then on caps" type of memery.