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Full Version: Community Event Feedback - improving future events
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Hey people.

As some of you are aware, I like organizing and running community events in relation to the RM faction. I have tried to continuously improve and refine multiple parts of the event "pipeline" based on my own observations and experiences, as well as people's feedback. My ultimate goal with these event has been and always will be maximizing player engagement, while still retaining enough unique elements to get different types of people interested in participating.

With that being said, I thought now would be a good time to get a more general sense of whether I'm missing anything big or small, or if some existing things that I do can be improved. So, I welcome your feedback in this thread about any aspect of my events or events in general, with the idea being that I'll do my best to implement it into most events going forward, which will presumably be held on the new patch.

I'd love to hear what people liked or didn't like, what can be improved, and what should remain the same!
I think sometimes the events can get pretty complex (which I personally like) but I feel like the many players join events to shoot red guys. The Munich evacuation event comes to mind, where there was basically a fleet fight while some transports ran some goods without any real danger to themselves in the process.

The writeups, immersion, and creativity is fantastic, though, and I enjoy there being another layer of complexity for events. Some people may find it confusing.

For anyone who hasn’t played an event by you are seriously missing out. Keep doing what you do!