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Full Version: 1st|ONI:Earhart/Uncharted [OPEN TO ALL DIVISIONS/SQUADRONS]
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Open to all squadrons and divisions - all reports should be consolidated in this channel


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[b]Encryption:[/b] [color=#FF0000][b]Shadow-Alpha[/b][/color]
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Signing off,
Shadow- Crew
[Image: 98a705079965010786b1790af4986347-removebg-preview.png]
Encryption: ONI-OMEGA78-A
Origin: The Office of Naval Intelligence Handler 36
Subject: Unknown Hazardous System
Message bulk:

A mission was purged from the present vessel's data blocks.
  • 46th, [LN] and 1st battlegroup has encountered Rogue vessels in the system that has been sucking up vessels from the entire sector
  • Earhart it is called, and vessels dating all the way to the Dallas Incident so far have been discovered
  • Rogue vessels have been spotted, with potentially dangerous Xeno Materials on board - the Battlegroup Officers couldn't risk it.
  • One Rogue was followed all the way to Omicron Nu through the random and chaotic Erhart Jump Holes
  • Our officer took them down, but our forces had to traverse Omicron Minor all the way to a world the Order seemed to claim
  • 1st took in speculation about Erhart, commanded of [O]-Hermes speculated that it could be connected to the Jump Gate blackouts.
    Potential information exchange with the Order was discussed.
  • The officer was returned to the battlegroup and the Order escorted it to a Jump Hole that lead to Alaska.

    Our forces have also today captured Prototype Components from an operation of Liberty Rogues. They are currently being analysed.

O.N.I. handlers
[Image: 98a705079965010786b1790af4986347-removebg-preview.png]
Vessel Callsigns and Class: Shadow
Type: Enhanced DL-Hai Liberty Shuttle
[Image: 226d7204693e12053b459855690ea805.gif]
Purpose: Cerulite Crystals, Chirodebris, Cryo-Organisms and Organic Capacitors mining and acquisition
Current vessels in operation:
Permanent Residence: Prudhoe Skunk Works, Alaska
Area of operations: Alaska, Earhart, Uncharted systems
Visual distinguisher:
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]

O.N.I. handlers
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: 50 Cryo-organisms Acquired
Message bulk:
This was a damn mission and a half! The first Shadow mining operation ran into huge issues as I got lost in an uncharted system. It was all worth it as I have mined and delivered home 50 Units of Cryo Organisms!

The system: Uncharted 10. I had to get home through Sigmas and Copernicus to get back, you never know where these things spit you out!

I handed the materials to ONI - it is my hope the mysteries of Earhart and the uncharted systems will eventually be unravelled thanks to our efforts.

Signing off,

Shadow-1 Crew
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: Troublesome news
Message bulk:
So it begins - Alaska has been breached, a criminal with Nomad weapons was sighted, sadly the Shadows are equipped with mining arrays.

We can let the Mercenaries deal with him if he returns alive.

Signing off,

Shadow-4 Crew
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: A long trip
Message bulk:
By god! Getting this sample was nearly impossible, we almost caused an international incident, got tailed by Jukins, lost our way and had to take the bloody tour of the entire Sirius to get back home!

This time we got to Uncharted-4 filled with Alien Organisms. After hours of Searching, and Jukins attempting to get money out of us (the nerve) We found what we were looking for - 60 Cerulite Crystals

That was the easy part - the hard part came after, we got spat out in an unknown system by the chaotic Earhart anomalies, and it turned out to be the Sigmas. naturally, we were promptly approached by the GMG! In the end, we talked it out, but it's clear they have no clue about the Copernicus connection as they sent us back through Honshu. We tried our best to ease the situation afterwards and saw it as an opportunity.

After that had to zig and zag, try to avoid patrols to not cause yet another inter-house incident and after a very long time we made it back with our prize. It better be damn worth it. We went all the way through Tau-23, Baffin and god knows what other places to get back home!

Signing off,

Shadow-4 Crew
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: A breakthrough
Message bulk:
The most exciting system has been discovered so far. Uncharted-3. There is some sort of a structure that can be explained as nothing but a gigantic generator. The pattern is the same as Earhart weapons, it is possible it is a remote generator that powers Earhart himself. One of the coils was damaged and we managed to get a sample of 60 Organic Capacitors

We have also made a huge discovery - the Nomads are no more liked than humans in Earhart. The weapons were shooting them just like everyone else - it is concerning they appeared in Alaska and passed to Earhart, but it is clear the structures are not of nomad origin.

The prevailing theory
Well, this is simple - the ONI theory right now is that the speculated Nomad creators dubbed as Dam' Kvosh harnessed or invented the Jump Gate technology. They also created the Nomads. The Organic capacitors would suggest that they have been very good at creating organic technology. Then they were gone, disappeared, decided to leave or someone or something killed them. It couldn't have been the Nomads as they don't seem nearly as powerful as what we have witnessed in Uncharted-3.

What we are seeing is simply the ancient infrastructure of the builders of the Jump Gates, their still functional reactors, weapons, and yes-Nomads, who might have been some sort of experiment or a type of organic weapon. That is the theory anyway - our goal is to try to understand the machines their builders left behind, try to control them and not meet the same fate as they did - unless they somehow evolved beyond needing what we would call a conventional understanding of space and matter.

Way back
Large-scale issues aside, we have discovered a connection between Omegas and Liberty - Omega-55 now leads to Fort Leniex, an abandoned Insurgency former Headquarters we have discovered late in the Vespucci campaign.

Signing off,

Shadow-4 and Shadow-2 Crews
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: Continuation of Shadow-4 mission
Message bulk:
With the Shadow-2 leaving for another assignment, Shadown-4 had to return alone to the home base.
While travel through Pennsylvania was calm and easy, the New York was a different story. Other Liberty Navy fleets cruising around were indicating one thing - Spike in pirate activity in the system. Keeping this in mind, The Shadow-4 condition below 25 percent integrity and precious cargo onboard, The pilot decided to avoid using of trade lanes. Instead he turned the ship straight to the Zone-21 and pitched 56 degrees down to avoid being detected.
Near the Zone-21 Shadow-4 encountered Ageria transport with illegal weaponry onboard claiming it was searching a way into the Alaska system.
The pilot of Shadow managed to catch the transport and retrieve the contraband from it despite the poor ship condition and lack of Cruise Disrupting armament. Then transport followed Shadow-4 into the Alaska to Skunkworks where transport was expected to mount lacking shield generator and Shadow to end its duty. The Video feed is not present due to damaged camera systems however cargo hold and black box logs are accessible.

Signing off,

Shadow-4 Crew
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: A wild theory
Message bulk:
The study of Earhart and adjacent systems continues - Our main focus has been what is provisionally called the "Uncharted 3" system. It contains what we suspect to be the Dam'Kvosh reactor that was left behind by the builders aeons ago. One of the coils is damaged, with no sign of attempted repair, allowing for collecting samples.

Our most recent expedition led however to the middle of the massive reactor structure instead - the laws of physics seem to not operate the same way they do in regular space. Serious drag is seen, forcing our science vessels to halt to a cruising top speed of 40.

The theory
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
-Ancient Sol Author Arthur Conan Doyle.

The structure generates massive amounts of energy, and unlike the Nomad reactors, they are not maintained, and haven't been maintained for what we estimate could be thousands of years at the very minimum. There was zero Nomad presence detected in the Earhart or adjacent uncharted regions. The Stray Xeno presence was met by the same hostility by the weapons at the centre of Earhart as everyone else.

The theory is that the reactor draws onto the mysterious powers of another dimension, one that does not abide by our understanding of physical laws, leading to unlimited energy, warping of space-time and other phenomena as the different dimension spills into ours. Is this the case? Is Earhart itself part of it? What of the creators that we call the Dam'Kvosh? Perhaps they transcended our reality and moved on that mysterious plane altogether, leaving just their ancient machines drawing upon the energies and laws of their new home? We must continue our quest for knowledge.

ONI Drones will be used heavily in the future in attempting to unravel the secrets in places deemed too dangerous for us.

Signing off,

Shadow-1 Crew
[Image: f807117c1f12ee36808725feca1cfbe8.png]
Encryption: Shadow-Alpha
Subject: A New anomaly
Message bulk:
A new anomaly was discovered in Earhart. The system itself is not like the others - it has been charted and discovered previously, we have found multiple wrecked explorers and extrapolated the planet names from their logs.

We have collected samples of Cryoorganisms and discovered the system's strange anomalies that thrust you within it. Where Uncharted 3 has the highest scientific potential, this one could be suitable for mining, resource acquisition, and perhaps even terraforming!

Signing off,

Shadow-1 Crew
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