(11-04-2023, 09:56 AM)sasapinjic Wrote: [ -> ]You cannot possibly know how strong desire for freedom is if you never have been opressed.
Opressed people will give up everthing even for short time of freedom ,if you lack examples in real world, watch "Spartacus" with Kirk Douglas,that shuld be enough ,for example, at movie end, former slaves rather all died then return to life in slavery.
Another fantastic show about this is Handmaid's Tale though definitely darker and not suitable for all ages
(11-03-2023, 10:01 PM)|nfrared Wrote: [ -> ]For you guys saying there are valid routes - I have a full hold of Cardamine now and it isn't worth more than a few hundred credits per unit seemingly anywhere, at least not any of the previous sellpoints. And yes where are the slaves? The slave/cardi run was one of the best things about Freelancer when I played 10 years ago, and now it's just gone because "reasons"?
I was on holiday during the time of the event and didn't make a single credit on that and don't have the credits to outfit a new ship for something else.
If you are trying to attract returning players, maybe don't take away the cool nostalgia bits that made the game great in the first place.
Could not agree more with you. The old route needs to come back.
(11-04-2023, 09:56 AM)sasapinjic Wrote: [ -> ]You cannot possibly know how strong desire for freedom is if you never have been opressed.
Opressed people will give up everthing even for short time of freedom ,if you lack examples in real world, watch "Spartacus" with Kirk Douglas,that shuld be enough ,for example, at movie end, former slaves rather all died then return to life in slavery.
Kinda implies that living in slavery on Malta is worse than living in corporate slavery in Liberty. That is the big crux. Apart from Cardamine being an incredibly dangerous plant itself and difficult to harvest by manual labor, the Outcasts turned Malta into a paradies for themselves - especially thanks to Cardamine.
I always saw this as a big controversial point where the slavery on Malta was not the worst case at all for a Sirian. Sure, slavery on paper, with comparison drawn to the real world, is bad. But that's not directly applicable to the situation in Discovery. Malta is deep into criminal stuff, not just the cardamine trade. Its cartels and dons are all about illegal methods - nobody stops them, because nobody really can. Malta itself is a fortress. Even in vanilla, it was mentioned that any attempt of an invasion would be repelled by the planetary defense grid.
The very crux is that Liberty is a hellhole. No matter whether it is a Slaves commodity sold on Pittsburgh or a Criminals commodity sold in Texas - the only people thriving in Liberty are the upper class, on Manhattan, on Denver and on Los Angeles. Those are the people that can afford security from LPI and the conveniences of Cryer and Synth Foods. The bottom feeders on the other hand are the ones suffering from crime in Liberty, from neglection of security, from transports getting shot down left and right (especially on the lane between Fort Bush and Pittsburgh, at least since vanilla).
There are so many facettes about it, it's really something. Living on Malta is described as living on paradies, and I would imagine that the effects of Cardamine would affect slaves on Malta positively, too. Meanwhile, however you look at Liberty, living there is horrible unless you have a gun or money - or both. It's a horrifying juxtaposition, and it was always one I really enjoyed about Freelancer, because the world is full of ambiguity, to the point where something as slavery is not as black and living in freedom - in Liberty - is not as white as one would color it. I am afraid, though, that Discovery itself is full of people who only see black and white, and apply real life horrors to Discovery without a second thought.
(11-04-2023, 01:35 PM)Sombs Wrote: [ -> ]Kinda implies that living in slavery on Malta is worse than living in corporate slavery in Liberty. That is the big crux. Apart from Cardamine being an incredibly dangerous plant itself and difficult to harvest by manual labor, the Outcasts turned Malta into a paradies for themselves - especially thanks to Cardamine.
The Outcasts were mostly using their slaves as entirely disposable agricultural equipment. Working industrial-scale Cardamine plantations is brutal, mining camps on the moons even more so. Being a domestic servant would be a less awful life, but also a vanishingly small minority of the slave population.
The slaves took a shot at freedom as the majority would know that their lives were
already measured in years at most, hoping they could topple the Outcasts entirely. It didn't pay off.
Either way, the Dons are now very much aware that making themselves economically reliant on slaves, especially in industries as brutal as these, is an existential security risk and not sustainable in the long term.
Outcasts made Malta a paradise, but only for Outcasts. The Outcasts are probably the most xenophobic group in Sirius, believing they are literally a superior form of humanity. The benefits of living on Malta did not flow down to the people they were imprisoning and exploiting. That luxury was
built through their blood and suffering.