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Em hello, i have Photoshop Elements 7.0

I want to create a signature for my characters but I really dont know where to start

Any advice please?

Stuff i need help with
  1. Ships (How do you get the really great pictures of the ships)
  2. People (Where do you get them from)
A bit open ended i know, any advice would help. I can pay for a good signature, but i want to have the feeling that i made it myself
ships: take screenshot in game using the print screen button on your keyboard, next to the insert button.
people; google, deviantart, planetrender, etc.
An alternative for the ships is LA's render thread here in the Media Center.
Ok thanks for the help, is there any way of locking turrets so they dont follow cursor? or must i take all turrets and weapons off ship for a screenshot?
I suggest you mount the desired weapons and equipment you want in the screenshot, land on a base, go to the equipment room where you can turn the camera somewhat and take your shots there.
Ok thanks, its just outcast destroyer always clips with the base hehe, I'll find a way
Em, how do you add the signature to your forum signature?
' Wrote:Em, how do you add the signature to your forum signature?
Upload it on a third site, such as photobucket or imageshack. You'll get a link to the image (what you need is the raw link, which, when entered in your browser, only shows the image).

Now click on your name in the upper left of the forums where it says 'Logged in as:'
Scroll down, under your signature, there is a button 'Edit my signature'. Click it.
Now, insert the link to your image and wrap it in image code like this:


Thanks, as you can see it worked