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So today, I decided to make my first "indie" character. After having 7 Order characters and a trader, I wanted something to just fly around in.

So I named this Character simply SwissScorch and after pulling up FLStat I looked for the arrow. I didn't want a fighting ship, or something super expensive or heavy... and...

Where have you been oh dear Arrow?

I swear, it looks like nothing, but I love it. Not only are the colors great with my name, but it only has 2 guns, and it's fast and agile. Perfect for my role as a normal Civilian. No fighting, just flying around, meeting people and having RP conversations with whomever's in system.

So yeah... the Arrow is an amazing ship. Now only if someone dyed it red, gave it white stripes where the current red ones are and put a nice big white cross on the front, it would be my dream ship. But leave the Engine etc. black.

Okay, rant over, just wanted to say cause I'm happy:)

Anyone else an arrow fan?

Very fun.

MM owns 10 of them as scouts.

Sometimes I try to fight in one.

Almost killed someone, once.
I own one too.

I saw you fly it as well today, on the server.
I own one.
Its a awesome ship. :ylove:
Fun to fly around.

Named it it so much it has traveled to 80+ systems, fought many a friends, and killed many of people. I ride in it as a freelance racer with an oodle of knowledge on sirius. Such as locations of jump holes, commodity selling and profiting points, and base locations. Heck even know many of wreck locations that I sell to interested parties. Tons of fun till some red NPCs find ya....durn nommies!

So SwissScorch if I see you on it some time we'll have to fly around and threaten battleships with our uber powers!

BTW, dual debbies and a Nuke mine set off by your own CD....heh.
Arrow... I used to have one. freakin awesome. it`s nigh useless is a fight but god, does that thing fly good or what? where is it sold now? I`m thinking about getting one again after reding this:cool:
I hereby declare the Arrow to have win.
It is awesome. Super awesome. I have one:D

I just wish it had class 10 guns, but that would make it a little overpowered.
It's a way toooooooo fast ship !

I can't control it well enough.
So I don't like it that much only for that.

Except that, it's a nice ship.
' Wrote:Yes..

Very fun.

MM owns 10 of them as scouts.

Sometimes I try to fight in one.

Almost killed someone, once.
oh they can kill... so quick ... Just Shield bust and mine... Its so quick you practicly can put a mine on top of a ship.
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