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Light Fighter: Hawk (Gecko)
Heavy Fighter: Chameleon (Stiletto/Paladin)
Very Heavy Fighter: Anaconda (Titan/Crusader/Defender)
Fighter/Bomber: Vulture
Bomber: Panther (Mamoru)
Freighter: Clydesdale (Draugr)
Transport: Serenity
Gunboat: Claymore (Defiant)
Frigate: Raba
Cruiser: Caliburn (Archer/Thresher)
Battlecruiser: Togo
Battleship: Murmillo

A little bit of an obvious bias in there. Many of these are also my most used/comfortable ships in the given class, though BC and BS are based purely on looks as I never fly those. I added honourable mentions in parentheses, picking just one was a bit difficult.
Fighter: Rebel/Defender/Loki mk2/Hammerhead/Patriot/Tora ( and a lot more)
Bomber: Reaper
Freighter: Draugr
Transport: Ryuujin
Gunboat: Battlenose
Frigate: Peregrine
Cruiser: Thresher/ Takeda
Battlecruiser: Akhetaten
Battleship: Dunkirk
Light Fighter: Neko
Heavy Fighter: Labraid
Very Heavy Fighter: Rabisu
Fighter/Bomber: I don't even fly these.
Bomber: Havok MKII
Freighter: Clydesdale
Transport: BIG DRAGON !!!
Gunboat: Nammu, but the Scorpion is nice as well
Frigate: I don't fly these either.
Cruiser: Siris
Battlecruiser: Irra
Battleship: Marduk and Ishtar.

Long live the Nomads.
Fighter: Eagle
Bomber: Roc
Freighter: Kestrel
Transport: Small: Armadillo / Medium: DL series borderworld transport Large: ZBT Whale Overall: Peregrine frigate
Gunboat: Condor
Frigate: Peregrine
Cruiser: none
Battlecruiser: none
Battleship: none
Fighter: Sirocco Noir, Lynx, and Obsidian
Bomber: Jaguar Noir, Cougar, and Cutlass
Freighter: Courier
Transport: L'Ane
Gunboat: Perilous
Frigate: Taureau and Dunlin
Cruiser: Triumph
Battlecruiser: Obstinate
Battleship: Leviathan (Class of the [TAZ]Persephone and (\^/)Hyperion) | Usual: Ranseur (MNS-Mellieha my beloved)
Fighter: Cuirassier
Bomber: Jaguar
Freighter: Humpback
Transport: Albatross or Regent (Tied)
Gunboat: Inquisitor
Frigate: Taureau
Cruiser: Hel
Battlecruiser: ~~~
Battleship: Redemption
Fighter: Hammerhead, Wyvern, Sirocco
Bomber: Adad, Cougar, Moray
Freighter: Courier, Drone, Mule
Transport: Ryuujin, Enterprise
Gunboat: Oder, Asco
Frigate: Taureau, Grendel
Cruiser: Siris, Donau, Triumph
Battlecruiser: Interdictor (older one preferred), Tribunus
Battleship: Overlord, Tokugawa, Ish'tar
Fighter: Raven's Talon and Sichel
Bomber: Waran
Freighter: Voyager
Transport: Serenity
Gunboat: Condor
Frigate: Dunlin
Cruiser: Hel
Battlecruiser: Vidar
Battleship: Overlord
Fighter: Sabre
Bomber: Cutlass
Freighter: Rhino
Transport: "Stork" Civilian Advanced Train
Gunboat: "Storm" Mark-X Coalition Gunboat
Frigate: Raba
Cruiser: Storta
Battlecruiser: Interdictor LABC
Battleship: Ranseur
Fighter: I don't fly them much.
Bomber: I don't fly them much.
Freighter: I don't fly them much.
Transport: Have no such a feeling called 'like' to this class, to me they are more simple tools and vessels.
Gunboat: I don't fly them much.
Frigate: I don't fly them much.
Cruiser: Order Recon Cruiser.
Battlecruiser: Liberty Assault BC.
Battleship: Overlord.
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