Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: To be or not to be
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Good Day / Evening Everyone

Hope i dont get to much flak for this but its time i open my mouth again

Maybe its time for a petition of sorts
I have been silent since the beginning of update 5.0
It really appeared as if there was going to be an improvement on this Discoverygc game
and that old nonsense and bad vibes would be something at the end specially when
all pushed to make the game more popular and to invite more friends back.

Since people left the server for good because of this undermining going on behind the curtains.

I lost many a friends on this server people i trained and gave free ships just to be trolled
ganked, shadow logged, and killed around every jumpgate or hole.

And when i publicly mouthed it out that specially staff of this server was behind it i myself got
slapped hard for mentioning it by RP that was called as OORP in Favour of the trolls guilty of doing
these horrific things.

Recently a staff member got sanctioned for meta gaming and the person involved got slapped
real hard shortly aftewards for "OORP"

I know the guy i know his RP we had similar RP conversations many times his humour might be a bit off at sometimes
but it does tickle the funny bone and just cant help to laugh afterwards

Hey if you so offended by what he said pm the person and say what you said to me i found offensive
please refrain of talking to me like that and knowing him im sure he will treat you in future with cotton cloves
as i know his character for very long time and he is not devious or bad person.

But what has been said and what has been done and seeing how the same "GANG"
treat other people afterwards when one of their own got slapped on the wrist for doing things wrong.

I dont even want to get involved in the drama anymore

Knowing that this stuff goes on yet still when i had so much hope for a better Discoverygc and seeing
all the hard work done by ;

Players - you wont have a server without players
Amdins - to keep te peace and fix the broken stuff
DEVS - for making all the cool candy
and other staffs and people doing all the background work

all worked hard to achieve this all try their best to make this a nice place

And yet there is those hiding behind the curtain still making this place horrible to be at
i for one say this in honesty and truth if it werent for the few "True Friends" i had left on this server
you would long time have left and not see me here again.

I thought there was hope for this place but the shenanigans are sticking their heads out again
and in due time the truth comes out again time will always be the revealer of truth.

A charade only lasts so long.

So here i sit once again seing what is being done to others again and seeing how people are treated
people that work hard unselfish being put to the sword for what ???

So some troll can get their rocks off

i find myself at the crossroads again.

Stay and try harder to make it fun for my fellow neighbour in game

or give this cesspool the final finger.
Sadly, this community has always had its fair share of OORP drama, metagaming, and other forms of carrying on OORP grudges and drama.

It'll probably always be a thing, I mean any community has drama.

At the end of the day all you can really do is control is yourself and your own actions, and decide whether it's worth it to stick around and continue to have fun playing your characters and whatever factions you're in, despite the other people and their OORP drama, or not.

I've been here since 2008, and I've taken a couple big breaks due to stuff like that myself, but here I am, so something keeps pulling me back I guess lol.
Just Scrum it. Work with the increment you got and plan the next sprint. And always remember, there's no harm in charm.
Makes people fuss.

Common translation: Opportunities come and opportunities go, take the chances you got and let the troublesome flow.