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[Image: fg7nX5B.png]
Die Rote Front

Feel free to provide any feedback you deem necessary for the improvement of the faction.

Before I get people saying this name was used before, I have found out too half way while writing the stuff, I guess Weimar Germany is a big inspiration for many, they are not the same factions or with the same history though.
looking forward to join your raids vs RM/DTR

edit: love the images and nice formatting
Looks really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in space and seeing how your diplomacy develops as time goes on! It's been far too long since Discovery has had an active Hessian group, so absolute best of luck to you.
Looking forward to rp with you guys. Omegas need some more activities.
I look forward to having RP Encounters with you. The Good Doctor Heals everyone.
Logging purely to attack people doing encounters and then promptly going offline after you pew them when they have shown incredible lenience to similar activities is one of the singularly least fun things I have witnessed someone doing.
i wasnt part of this.

but entering a contested system, being confronted with resistance, and applying cynicism after the other party has exhausted all their options to stay logged is weird.
(06-09-2024, 06:58 AM)iiLeRoss Wrote: [ -> ]Logging purely to attack people doing encounters and then promptly going offline after you pew them when they have shown incredible lenience to similar activities is one of the singularly least fun things I have witnessed someone doing.

Hello there,

First some context though as it was described to me by the member in question: the encounter wasn't spawned and your Donau friend dropped a line first followed by a charge ahead towards him which triggered the encounter.

Second, he logged to take you both out of Dresden (shocker) as a lone cruiser, there was no prior knowledge of you doing encounters there, it was pinged in our discord if you want proof I can send it to you. Twisting it as if it was some ill intent on our side is disingenuous.

Afaik encounters are not just a free farm, you expose yourselves to the dangers of system's enforcers and although I dont necessary condone it, the said member does apologize for his impulsiveness and promises to not take advantage of the NPCs next time but fight you in a fair manner if you also would give it to him.
To be clear I'm not even particularly upset, I was more just confused as to why someone would bother, and frankly having an hour of my time wasted is not exactly pleasant.

As a whole though given how hideously time consuming and player intensive it is to do these I'd prefer to just avoid it if possible and discourage other people from doing so.

As for the ill intent he was making heading directly towards the encounter and I was heavily wagering it was pretty obvious why we were there given where it's positioned in the system. If he didn't know, sure, that's fine.

I do appreciate the word of fair play, I have a general distaste for ganking and I appreciate this sentiment from your faction.
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