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Full Version: Siver mining in Omega-7
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I'm having trouble tonight (01:15 UTC, 07/21) with mining in Omega-7.
The field is exceptionally sparse of mineable asteroids (10% of usual at best)
and after spending 10 solid minutes finding maybe 30 rocks to shoot with a Daumann miner,
my Container had 52 total ore, and six or seven consecutive hits afterward added no ore to the container.

Is anyone else having a problem? It was in a specific location that I had mined on many occasions and
I was well within range of the container.
What was your ship ID IFF combo?
(07-21-2024, 06:59 AM)Helo Wrote: [ -> ]What was your ship ID IFF combo?

Daumann humpback.
But main issue was hardly any rocks flying, not just drop rate.
Best would be to submit bug report with as many details as possible. Some time ago Kruger| ID had botched silver bonus of x1.0 instead of x3.0.. so anything is possible.
I'll double-check before submitting. Maybe it was a tired server/one time thing.
It's working fine now. Must have been a temp issue.