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Full Version: Missiles for fun and pew pew effects
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So what exactly causes the server lag? Ammount of weapon projectiles as such or the projectile effect itself?

My idea is, for nice cinema effects, design specile missile batteries for gunships.

Refire rate of 8.00
Range of much
Turn speed of much
and the speed of even more much...

but zero damage...

I wished to mod my server to make a few movies like this, like an assault on a base, for example, but i simply need to learn how it works, freelancer is not a game i have taken apart, like, say, Crashday or Unreal or such, so i wished to ask the pros.
It's easy stuff Sindy, I could probably walk you through it (although I haven't tinkered with the ini files for ages, I'm probably rusty). Though, is this a suggestion for Disco or just for something you'd like to mod on your own server? Cause if its' the latter, wrong forum D:
While missile effects don't lag the server, they lag the client. Even the current effects lag clients occasionally in a missile spam. I don't think it's suitable for the RP sever.
Nice idea but..

If you want missilespams, at least give them SOME damage. maybe 1/8 the damage of the weakest weapon of it's class? And then make countermeasures alot stronger.
I'd rather see current missiles consuming less energy or dealing more damage. Also, they should look bigger.