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Full Version: Allowed MODs
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Ok, this might already be cleared in some thread, but I couldn't find it so I'll just ask.

What MODs are allowed on the server except for the Discovery MOD? Would, for instance the XTS-skins be allowed or would the server kick me for cheating?

The console message is specific,

'using any mods other then discovery will result in an immediate and permanent ban'

Or something like that.

So unless an admin says otherwise, common sense says no.
Yeah, I've seen that one, but the XTS-skins aren't really any mods, they just change the in-game skin (ie from lt blue to another colour). So basically it doesn't change any game-mechanics. I'll clarify the question a bit, how sensitive is the anti-cheat filters (or whatever)? Will they detect a skin-change as cheating and kick me?
Let's put it this way: Wolf made me disable my XTS skin. Figure it out:P
Discovery only. No other mods.
' Wrote:Discovery only. No other mods.

Well that was easy:D
Ok, thx, that was all I wanted to hear..