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Full Version: To Corsair Council
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Hola.Im ElNinho, and i have sudgestion for new Squadron of Elite Corsair Fighters.I have a lot batles behind me, as a brave and loyal corsair fighter, and i hope you will answer to me.My idea is to create a new Group of Best of the Best Corsair fighters, and they name will be ~Leones~.That will be fast and agile group , who will protect all Corsair space, and be superior in space.I demand from all Brotherhoods and Fractions(Benitez, OPG,TBH,HAF,PFC) to give me permition to chose 2 fighters for this Squadron...Squadron will flight in Decurion, or Gladiator.In last 3 battles , enemies do a lot damage to our Cap.Cruisers, and i noticed that they are not suported with light fighters, who can destroy any Bomber easy.The ~Leones~ Squadron will have duty to secure space for Cap Ships in battles.Specialy in asteroid fields when Capital ship is a easy prey for every bomber.If Elders of Fractions cant give me their best fighters, i have sudgestion.There is a lot of players in Gamma who are not in any fraction..(Dark Predator, Gorgon , and a few more),and i think they will be good for that squadron, because i saw their combat abilityes.The names in squadron will be not alowed,all members will have numbers(Example: ~C.E.S-Leones~1,2,3,4,5) because its easy for comunication in batle...I will be back in space for 14 days, and than i will start creating of squadron, if Council answer to me positive.

didn't they answer this already???


I'm not elder, but listen to them, or you'll end like me.... flying in Minor (Tito Vendetta will return to Gamma soon)

Is it so hard to join the factions that already exists?

If this is for getting a tag and flying with some friends and feeling "inside a group", just do it (altough, you're already a corsair, so you're part of a group). But, don't expect any special treatment from Elders or the official factions, they don't owe you none, and you didn't show them you deserve it yet, that means, if you wanna role it, role it well, start showing you're capable of role playing such a group.

One thing is sure, the Corsairs don't need more warriors, they need more pirates, and people working for the corsairs.
Raiding on alpha, hunting hunters in delta/theta, killing everything inside Gamma, is not what corsairs need.