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Full Version: Requesting clarification of rule 5.6
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5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks with a station, jump gate, or trade lane during a PvP fight, this player has fled the fight. The fleeing player must leave the system and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remain in the system until four hours have passed from the time the fight ended.
Using cruise engines to catch up with those capable of thrusting at higher speed than you is not allowe[u]d. Trade lanes may be used to pursue or catch up to other ships under any circumstances, even if the other ship has not yet fled as described above.
The fleeing player can fight in self-defense if attacked again while attempting to leave the system after fleeing.

I understand this to mean if someone is thrusting away you can't use cruise engines to catch up. But, in a hypothetical scenario: what if a player engages cruise to run, the pursuer engages cruise to follow, and then an npc cruise disrupts the runner? Do I as the chaser have to disengage cruise engines? Is an engine kill in cruise sufficient?

Thanks for any feedback.
If the one you are pursuing engages his cruise engine first he has 'fled'. You may try to catch up with him, using any means necessary - including the odd event that an NPC disrupts his flight. Then it's up to you if you want to continue cruising and not being able to fire your weapons. Fly around in circles, just to annoy him, or cut engine and fire away.
Got it, thanks:D