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Just a point from an RP perspective, what proud terrorist organisation wouldn't want a hold full of untraceable money with which to fund it's operations?
' Wrote:Just a point from an RP perspective, what proud terrorist organisation wouldn't want a hold full of untraceable money with which to fund it's operations?

ESPECIALLY if it hinders an enemy's economy!
What did del say?Admins call, end of discussion. unless ya want me to get joe too......
It's cargo. Admin's called it.
' Wrote:Just a point from an RP perspective, what proud terrorist organisation wouldn't want a hold full of untraceable money with which to fund it's operations?

This comment explains it quite nicely. The credit cards (which you pick up 10 of the $100,000 ones when you kill a Corsair Osiris, by the way) are just plain cash. All of our transfers and credits are part of the neural net banking system - which means that they can be traced by someone, somewhere. (Probably the Lane Hackers!)

Whereas if you're hauling cash, it's cargo - completely untraceable by anyone - and can be used as terrorist funding anywhere.

So yeah, while the admins called it, there is definitely an RP reason for it. And as for npc's dropping credit cards - let's face it, after you take out an Osiris or two, you probably need to spend that million credits on repairs.

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