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Full Version: Extra Shields for Transports/Trains anyone?
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Have a close look at the picture.

This is my Large Train, I took off the cargo pods, as they were taking damage that had to be repaired after doing a certain run and noticed that the slots all said they were class 1 shield mounts, so I tried the obvious thing and... they went in, all 6 of them.

Being class 1, they only have 765 shield units, but there are 6 of them and that gives 4590 shield units.

This is obviously some sort of 'unprogrammed feature' (Note: it's not a 'bug' as it doesn't have a bad effect on the game), I *have not* tested to see if the extra shields actually function, as 1) it might crash the server, 2)it would cost me money for something that might not work & 3) I can almost gaurantee that once someone scanned me and saw the 'extra shielding' I would be reported to an Admin for 'cheating' and cop a ban!

So, I have done the 'right thing' and posted what I have discovered here, for both the Admins and the community to decide if this is 'a good thing to do' and should be allowed or that it is 'bad' and won't be..... (not that it matters after the 31st *sigh*)
Mickk, as part of 4.81, Igiss gave us the option to be able to change the cargo pods on transports and trains.
The way this was possible was to make the pods as a class one shield, if you look at your them you will see
this is how they come up ... Class 1 pod.
If you wish to fly your ship with a 0.065% increase on your shielding with a loss of aesthestics on the craft,
please go ahead. Never been a problem before. Taking damage on them is part of the RP, if you fly a certain
route. I take a lot more damage to my weapons over the period of time anyway
Not a bug, you are right. Just something not really worth exploiting either, thank God ...
