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so i had my account backed up with the fl acct manager but my hdd just died and i cant get the file off of it... what do i need to do to get my characters back?

I'm curious about this as well, though I have the unfortunate luck of not using FLAM to backup my account information:(
' Wrote:I'm curious about this as well, though I have the unfortunate luck of not using FLAM to backup my account information:(

a lot of good it did me i should have but the file on a jump drive or something
Look at it this way: You won't be the only one back in a Starflier again. And, one other nice bonus is that most pirates will usually leave us alone:D
i dont think that anything can be done... but i am sure that people will be willing to give you some cash to get started again.
Depending on how your hard drive died you may be able to recover data from it...
well i am certainly not starting from scratch
Could you be a little more specific than "My harddrive died?" Sometimes you can boot off of a CDrom, and attempt to mount the partition, if the partition table is still in-tact.
stick the hd in a different pc as a secondary drive and see if you can recover them that way
' Wrote:stick the hd in a different pc as a secondary drive and see if you can recover them that way

the hard drive was old and actually stopped working as i was trying to copy the stuff from it to a secondary hard drive... it shows up in device manager but i cannot populate it or mount it in any fashion

I was actually able to just get a program off of demonoid that could read the hdd and got the file... now just to install the mod and hope the file isnt corrupt =P