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Full Version: Borderworlds Firefly
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Well I just wanted to put this up here, it was an idea I had from a thread talking about how we will probably replace the firefly in the future....I do remember a model simmilar to this idea, but I was never able to find it here again.... So I tried my best to incorporate BW style into the Firefly design, and I came up with this thing here

[Image: BWFFsmaller.jpg]

Originally from this thread here
Actually, by the infocards the Firefly would be Bretonified, not Borderworldsified, but I could do either.
I could sketch up a Bretonianifiedizored version later
not now though, I'm too tired

Either way, if this thing gets re-modeled, I think my Bretonian junker would get one
It looks............

...........exactly the same. -.-
' Wrote:It looks............
...........exactly the same. -.-

That's sort of the point. It would maintain the same lines, but it would be remodeled with the Borderworlds details and textures.
I like the idea of using that imported model as a stylistic basis for a new one - that way we have a 'win/win' situation.