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Full Version: Cruise Engine Charge Speeds
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I know I've seen on other freelancer mods, that ships can have different cruise charge speeds. It'd take half a second for a light fighter, but five seconds for a transport, for example. I always thought that was awesome, and it always gave the smaller ships a nice "out" versus heavier ships.

Something like this would also effectively make short work of the "no cruise to catch up smaller ships"-rule, as it's rendered more or less ineffective anyway.

I think it'd be nice to have small fighters very nimble and tactical, bombers slightly more awkward, and the capital ships act like caps; once it stops you are there for the duration, and it'll take 10-15 seconds to get into cruise speed. There'd suddenly be room for a true interceptor class: A medium/heavy fighter with super-low cruise charge speed, able to redeploy tactically and intercept the enemy, before they can move.

Is this something that could be done, and considered?

the bigger capitals already take longer to charge their cruise engins
' Wrote:the bigger capitals already take longer to charge their cruise engins
Oh. I had no idea.:)Never really tried capitals.:)


While I'm on the subject... I'd actually like to see differences in impulse speed too. Currently, the only non-standard impulse-speed I know of is that of the Yacht (does 100, not standard 80). I'd love to see LFs do 100, heavies 80, VHFs 70, Bombers 60 and caps 80 (lower speed anyway - due to thruster limitations).

A small something to "buff the little ships" a bit more, and make the caps / transports act like the lumbering behemoths that they truly are. It would inspire diverse fleet compositions and tactics, I think...
The cruise rule has to remain in place for capital ship combat at least. No matter the charge time, if bigger capitals could cruise up, a Liberty Dreadnaught would not be able to beat a Rheinland Battleship, a Bounty Hunter Destroyer would not be able to outrange a Praefect, etc.
I had a stranger idea that might work. Have you noticed that your power core charge increases slower while in cruise.

Well what about for the big ships having an energy drain while in cruise? They are supposed to be big behmoths. They are supposed to have a long range but travel slowly. So when in situations where they engage the cruise drive. They should not be able to maintain it indefinitely.

I don' t know what people will think about this. But it is just something i noticed recently and thought that instead of changing the cruise time it might be more useful.