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I am getting very suspicious about your convoys, coming from Texas with a hold of Ship Hull Panels when they're cheap in Rhienland, while being in four Behemoths... Something is fishy there.

Who are the 'Light.of.Sirius'?
Saw them earlier while I was on with the Interdictor. Didn't see where they came from, just that they were parked near Houston. Their RP appears to centre vaguely round some sort of religion.
' Wrote:Saw them earlier while I was on with the Interdictor. Didn't see where they came from, just that they were parked near Houston. Their RP appears to centre vaguely round some sort of religion.

Some obscure cult of Rheinland based blockade runners?

Maybe they're protesting against the war by bringing the LN spare parts?
Someone trying to make an excuse to blockade run
either that or nomad infectees they claim they want the galaxy in love and harmoney
They always talk about this so-called 'light' and that I must praise it. When I ask about it, they give no answer.

My solution: Experimentation. Shoot at them, get in their way, bother them, maybe even accuse them of crimes.
Hullpanels are cheap on Houston.
still, I dont wanna take anychances...
' Wrote:still, I dont wanna take anychances...

So you're with me when I go and bug them?
What is this Light? There is only Eris.
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