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Full Version: The rediculously puny size of planetz
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hi, just like to comment on the reason why many of us left freelancer to begin with. It appears an entire solarsystem was compressed to the size of a football, but spaceships and all remain rediculously large.
My suggestion: reduce the size of structures, make planets and sun and basically spaces in between bigger, and make engines faster and scanners longer to compensate.

Just a thought...
Everything in FL is horribly sized. Stations are able to accomodate ships 3 times their size , BSes are the size of planets. It would be an extreme pain to size it all up because of the lanes and such.
Yeah but it technically could be done with minimal tempering and bugs.

I mean, its just stretching everything. A week or two of hard modding ought ta do it.
I would just be happy for planets to increase in size,

And I've always been annoyed with stars sitting in the middle of the Map, or in the system all together, at the distances that they are planets would be too hot for life.
And in the process we lose much of the freelancer style
You want -real- sizes?
Happy flying then.

5 minutes looking at the lane animation to fly from Texas Gate to Norfolk.
And from said lane in a 90 degree angle to the Alaska Gate, like.... 30min?

As said, happy flying.
A lot of aspects in this game are sacrificed, yes but changing every single system to the 'correct' scale would be extremely time consuming. In the Void mod, there are systems with around 20 planets all above and below the plane. Planets are 300-400k across the system with cruise at around 400. Needless to say, it takes forever to get someplace where there are no tradelanes in the system.
I like the ideae but would require tons of work, err to make it worse, free work; but it would be a good idea,of course this would better and everything should have to be resized as mentioned above
Quote:And in the process we lose much of the freelancer style

Of poor realism?

The style of freelancer wouldn't change so bad that we lose our sense of what made FL makin planets bigger will not decay RP. And that is what Discovery FL is about. FL has already been expanded far beyond original parameters.

Quote:You want -real- sizes?
Happy flying then.

5 minutes looking at the lane animation to fly from Texas Gate to Norfolk.
And from said lane in a 90 degree angle to the Alaska Gate, like.... 30min?

As said, happy flying.

Good time to read a book >.> if this double posts i'm sorry
No no no no. Tradelanes for one, for two ITS COSMETIC! DEAL WITH IT.
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