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Full Version: Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned
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Fura_Itas has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the Aug 27, 2009 for:

Quote:5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight or to escape pirates/terrorists, as well as in any other situations that involves player interactions, is not allowed.
Docking repeatedly with a jump hole or jump gate in order to avoid PVP is not allowed.
If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

Consequences: Rocked with fire from that gosh darned Corsair the brave Captain of the Fura_Itas knew it was time to unveil his secret weapon... And to exercise his mail order degree in physics.


He shouted, pulling a lever opening a chute in the command deck oh the heavily modified advanced train

"That damn Corsair never saw this coming!"

And with that he and his dumped credit after credit into the chute, preparing a spectacle of daring-do never before witnessed in the annals of space daring-do (which is actually a rather nice building on Planet Cambridge, where they sell churros which is nice.). With a laugh his vessel violently exhausted the credits, blasting them backwards and propelling his vessel forward at unheard of speeds, leaving the flabbergasted Corsair blinking in a cloud of burnt currency.

But! What is this? The machine is far more effective than any could have imagined! Lo the Train is propelled forward at unimaginable speeds, defying conventional logic or reason! Space and time warp around the screaming crew, clutching one another and yelling confessions of hidden love as hull panels buckle and coffee mugs leap clear of their holders.

At last the vessel settled, the nearest star but a distant twinkle.

Fine: Don't f1 to escape piracy. 100 million credits have been removed from your bank and you will find your vessel 400k below the plane of your resident star system to give you some time to think about what you've done.

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