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Full Version: Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned
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Pakkela_Etis has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:

Quote:6.6 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand and allowing sufficient time to respond. Demands may be cargo, credits or an RP demand, such as leaving the system. "Halt" is not a demand.

Consequences: You may have noticed part of that sanction has been made a little clearer. Please provide a little time for your target to comply with your demand. 1.3 seconds is not suitable. Though I'm sure you felt really cool firing the mini/supernova.

Fined all credits and guns. Rep fixed

Right now on with it.

What Ho! A Liberty Rogue neutral to the local constables? Tsk tsk old bean that wont do! So lets see that's a quick revision there...

Now, where were we.

The perfect plan, yes! Yes! Gaily he stared ahead, his Barghest thrumbing with power beneath him, the throbbing of the ship moving deep within his body. He clenched the dual torpedo triggers in his hands, their reassuring girth warm and welcoming against his palms.

He moaned with anticipation.

Lips slightly parted he lined up the shot at the Cryer vessel sitting off of his bow. With slight shifts he positioned himself and with a cry, let loose his blast.

And then all of his guns blew up and he died.


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