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Full Version: Help an admin with less sanction reports
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Hey folks, an idea springs to mind that can I ask we discuss.

Whenever we see people doing simple, or very annoying minor rule breaking. i.e cursing, and lol'ing all the time, you know those under levels or just people who dit on a station speaking his/her foul mind with reckless abandon.

Some people go out of their way to file a sanction report on these people, or even go about rule lawyering (this is annoying and can be blown out of all proportion).

So I suggest this. Don't file a sanction report, I suggest a better and in-rp method that can benefit the people of the game.

Place a bounty on their head. The hunters and mercenaries need actual good reason to fight and earn money, rather than just tagging along with their clients to group up on someone, or another group. Let us boost the hunters and mercenaries.

We have to think of the admins. Don't file a sanction report (unless its real necessary or warranted) but for the real nitpicks, like swearing and general butt hattery, slap a bounty on them.

Take this as an example: Link. In that bounty, someone was swearing in-game. Instead of sanctioning, I bountied them. Its more fun, and you know a hunter will look for them.

What you think about this idea? I don't ask everyone follow this and not sanction total buggers, lets just try treating this more as a game rather than an office of paperwork.
Great idea, I applaud.:D

I bet Dusty and the other major sanctioners would be a lot happier (and spend more time in-game) if we all bountied the rulebreakers instead of just going "hai amdinz sacntion plz" every time someone drops an f-bomb. Let's do it.

Are IDs going to limit the bountying for this kind of bounty? That would suck.
The ID is a bother, just make it depending from your perspective. As I at that bounty example, was a Junker, so I could hire mercenaries, or a bounty hunter.

Just make it context sensitive, you can make bounties anonymous too to protect your identity.

There are plenty of bounty hunters and mercenaries, so there will almost always be people hunting the boards for decent money.
Bounties cost credits while sanctions are free? Sanctions take away credits and armor while being killed only takes ammunition? Sanctions tell the person what he/she/it/leprechaun did wrong while posting such evidence in a bounty thread would make it a trial by forum? Can i haz questions? Answers? Where is my mind?
' Wrote:Bounties cost credits while sanctions are free? Sanctions take away credits and armor while being killed only takes ammunition? Sanctions tell the person what he/she/it/leprechaun did wrong while posting such evidence in a bounty thread would make it a trial by forum? Can i haz questions? Answers? Where is my mind?

With the colors. But yes, have Daisuke find it.

//I approve of the idea, Fletch.
' Wrote:Bounties cost credits while sanctions are free? Sanctions take away credits and armor while being killed only takes ammunition? Sanctions tell the person what he/she/it/leprechaun did wrong while posting such evidence in a bounty thread would make it a trial by forum? Can i haz questions? Answers? Where is my mind?
Sanctions are free, but the admins time isn't with reports,
Sancitons take away credits and more, when the evidence is good,
Sanctions tell the people that they're little clots,
A bounty gives the hunter a chance to by some food.

Yes, Sanctions are without a doubt much more effective at getting the message across. But who has to deal with these every time they log in? The Admins are people too, and we are usually yelling that PvP is taking over RP.

Let us RP and help the BHG and other hunters pick up a better reputation through bounties which are RP, that leads to PvP. Rather than random PvP battles for the hunters.
As I said when you made that thread on the pottymouth , I approve of this method. No need to overload the admins even more with small offenses
This would make me 2x happier.

A) I could spend more time in game and less time doing sanctions.
B) I could spend more time in game on my bounty hunter.

It's a win win.
Hooray! An idea for the community and there isn't many people against it! Its makes a change for my topics:D

I think I'll restart my Slater character...
I suppose I should fly Skybolt more then.
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