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Full Version: What do YOU think of these new bomber weapons?
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I think there has been enough time for people to decide whether they like these new guns or not.

Si - Yes
No - No
Que? - What?

The spanish version amuses me.

Just vote and explain why you like, don't like, or have no idea with the new guns.

I like them because my favourite refire speed is 4.00, and it will help on the problem with everyone just buying bombers. Will increase the need for fighter escorts.
Used "que?" as 'maybe', sue me, spanish is lame.

Anyways, They're nice against larger ships, huge dps and such... and they're going to be even better in jousts. However, I couldnt even hit BHG gunships with the 700m/s guns I was using before, How the hell am I going to hit one with 380m/s guns?
They're alright. But please people. Now quit whining about Bombers.
My Salvager got OMNOMNOMed by a single Xeno Roc with full pulses. In the last version, I actually stood a change.

Can't say if I am amused or not, gotta wait and see.
Not voting yet, could be "que?" but I don't want to waste the oppotunity to either vote "si" or "no". I've used them already and so far I do like them, they present an interesting challenge now if a fighter shows up to the party as aiming them isn't easy at all. I still SNAC the hulls of my opponent, however.
I prefer this version. But there should be more guns, not just two of least house ones.
I agree, atleast get some house bomber guns in the future
Yay, so now Bombers can destroy capital ships even more easily.
That is mixed good and bad.

Oh, look.
Transports now stand no chance. Peachy.
Well at least transports got new guns too....
That barely begins to make up for it.
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