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Full Version: Greetings V2?! The return of the little bugger!
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Greetings lads and lasses, after a big timeout - from June, I am back. And don't say anything, Almost half a year without disco is a painfully long time for me! I had some major real life problems to deal with. Also, my pc kinda` blow up (don't ask me anything).
It a shame that the server is down when I just have returned, but oh well, atleast I will have some time to think about things. Like how to get back up on my feet, how to get some creds rolling in my bank etc.
Hope that anyone remembers me!

I don't remember you, but then again I'm a fairly new player. However, depending on your friiendly status with us Junkers, I might be able to help you via a short/long term loan of some credits. That is of course assuming youre not affiliated with Hogosha or some of those other shady characters from Kusari
You were the little yellow chicken, that always looked from right to left, right??

well in any case, welcome back, we are experiancing technical difficulties, and appologiese for the inconveneaces.
Well, When the server is back up, if you ever need a trade faction, Synth Is always hiring!
Yup, I was the chicken, then chicken was me, we bonded over the years.... good times!
um, where was I? Yes, i read all about the hackx000rz attack on the server, and again I can quote a popular line from the always cool south park

Oh my god, they killed disco!!! >.<
.... Those bastards -.-

When the server is back up, I will try to contact some of the traiding factions for a long-term job!

Chicken dude! Your back!

That avatar was win.

Welcome back. Sorry about your computer.
Ahhh, then I just have to find it again:P
welcome back man... Yea timing sucks .. but the server will be back up.. i believe it will. So cya in space soon i hope
Welcome back!
I remember you...just...:P

I suppose you know this but...if you ever need any help feel free to contact any [The_Angels] tagged ships!
Welcome back!

And join Ageira.

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