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I've been finding it very difficult to get my reputation on a few ships. Known to few, the Zoner rep is extremely hard to get, and harder if you had a LH rep before. I think we should do what I think we did before. We can pay admins say... 10 million to get us a certain tag. This would simplify a lot of gameplay for me.

What do you think?
Flyer, it was 15 million, and it was to get a tag for a faction you were already totally green with. Not changing
one you had already got.
If you send me a screenie of your rep board I will tell you exactly how to get to where you want to go, its not
that hard anymore. The rep empathy with the Zoners now makes so much easier than the old 'double bribe'
situation, and people managed it then ...
Part of the game mate ...

Flyer, you're just lazy, it's never been easier to fix your reps with a little patience.

100mil credits, I might think of it...
I had the same problem, find a GMG installation (think in sigma 13 and not the helgoland station) and do some missions for them. At one time I could repair (bribe) the bartender to hack in the Zoners account and arrange a good rep for me... :yahoo:

Good luck
If you know what your doing you don't need an admin to fix it... It's actually not that hard.

Like Hood said, post your Repsheet.
Zoner rep = Kill Unioners

Gets you the tag in maybe 10 min

Seriously, just go to Freeport 2 in Bering, then fly over to Pacifica base, and kill tons of unioners. They spawn at like 10 a min. Flying mostly hawks and usually one falcon per fighter group.

- Z
Take only missions from the faction you are trying to gain. To get you a baseline, kill Xenos and Bounty Hunters - should bring everyone to neutral except Xenos and Bounty Hunters. Then work missions for Zoners. Bottom line - there's no ONE way to get your tag. But much more enjoyable and more profitable if you do it yourself instead of admin hacking.
No, this is my trader. It's been here since the wipe. Almost everyone is red, including the GMG, and it's a large train. I can't kill anything in it, especially with lag. I'd be willing to pay 100 mil for it. Zoners are green, but Junkers, Corsairs, Order are above them. So... I might just scratch this character.
Time to trade the freighter in for a cap ship or fighter until you fix the rep. Then go back to your Train.
Lat time I buggered the reps on my trader, I scrapped it. When theres 130 hours on a char, it should be retired anyway..
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