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I faced once that kind of ship (I regretted it) and I'm using only this myself.
It's nothing but a pain to fight with that monster close to us.

fighters/bombers : They get destroyed in no time when they get in range.
gunboats : The solaris kills the shield well enough and a double razor kill any gunboat with just one shot.
destroyers : You just need a mortar and a pulse... You may need even less, a simple bomber escort will do the job !
battleship : Get a bomber escort and it will do the job, just make his run to you, thinking he could hit you, but while he's dodging your mortars from 4k, he get destroyed by the bomber escort.

Well used, this kind of ship is just deadly.
' Wrote:Just like any other ship. People made Anti Fighter Bombers before with dual razors.

Mjolnir, For once, Please. Just do that solution. Its the most solid and will DEFINATELY work.
God help us if you ever get in charge of balance (which the probability of is less than zero..) because you have no idea what you're talking about..

Anyway, the Solaris turrets do not need a buff. At all. They are perfectly fine as is.
' Wrote:God help us if you ever get in charge of balance (which the probability of is less than zero..)

By the look of things, it's hard to anticipate.
BS solaris turrets are just fine. They do what they are supposed to do - zap small, evasive targets.

It's hard to hit a small, fast-moving target beyond 800m anyway, so the range is satisfactory.

Cruiser sols could use a range buff - up to 900 or 1000m.

: I can't speak for Cam, but I for one am confident in my manliness, though I fly only transports and capships. If someone has to gauge his manhood on how well he flies a bunch of pixels in the form of a VHF/bomber through a virtual reality universe, he definitely needs to get out more.

' Wrote:...
If someone has to gauge his manhood on how well he flies a bunch of pixels in the form of a VHF/bomber through a virtual reality universe, he definitely needs to get out more.

That is... just... a great statement. Honestly dude, -that- -is- -just- -great-.
For once, /sigged.

RP, anyone?

('Cuse for falling in the topic and not stating anything constructive)
' Wrote:Cruiser sols could use a range buff - up to 900 or 1000m.

Cruiser solaris do have 900m range right now.
' Wrote:Cruiser solaris do have 900m range right now.

Oops - I stand corrected. It shows that I haven't flow a cruiser in awhile.
You'd be suprised Dab, Ive infiltrated big communities like this before, Brought them to their knees, I did =P


No, just no. I wouldnt want the balancing job. Too much stress, too much bomberwhore majority in congress.
I mean. Devs. *cough*

Cruisers need a DEFINITE role. Solaris is bleh. Its like trying to shoot a damn fly with a shotgun. Just use this, battleship captains. Your ship is worth about 50X+ theirs. Have solace in the fact you powertraded more than them. It was never supposed to be good.

Now that fighters actually have a SLIGHT chance.

Here it comes again. I can feel it.

I hate it. But alas.

[color=#CC0000]GET ESCORTS

EDIT: I question the success of solaris on a medium battleship (i.e. Bretonia BS, BHG BS, Outcast Battleship)

How does it work?
' Wrote:Cruisers need a DEFINITE role. Solaris is bleh. Its like trying to shoot a damn fly with a shotgun.

Cruisers are stronger against caps then gunboats, and cheaper and more agile then battleships.

what more do you want? all cruisers to have foward guns?
See, thats just the thing. We already have anti capitals, Thats battleships. A cheaper and agile "battleship" would be a frigate/battlecruiser.

Cruisers could be long range missle platforms, but then again they dont effect shields real well and hang around the missle launcher....
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