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Since I prefer to be a lone wolf when making my credits, mining ain't for me (unless someone can please I beg you send me a good mining spot via PM that doesn't require teaming) and I'm done with powertrading seeing the whole of sirius is pirate infested now, not even the normal pirates. Actually, piracy has decreased, lolwutty has increased, and if I'm getting pirated, its a double whammy. Also, jerkiness has increased, pirating same transport twice, thrice in a day etc and I've just been pirated half an hour ago by your comrade just gets the 'he sold me your location' response. Also. I want more action, less of just running from point A to point B while frantically checking local list, freakin out about them 'not pirates' as I shall call them (pple who want to blow stuff up and not want your stuff/creds), and flippin through FLcompanion every patch.

TLDR: I need a good spot to do lawful missions to pull in 20+mil an hour (less than my 30 for trading but hey half of it is getting blown up). Problem with order VS bh missions is they both don't suit my RP. Order are all good with one problem, they arn't a democracy, they are a dictatorship, and I am very particular about not supporting anything besides a total democracy. BH is a corp interested only in profits, not the do-gooder america style democracy I was looking for.
Take missions from the Outcasts against Bounty Hunters on Planet Malta.

1,000,000cr mission, another million in loot and all you need is a VHF.:)
Try to do mission, where you can kill Battlships/Cruisers. Each one drops at least one Sirius Credit card (100 000$) plus the pilots plus the equipment. You can do it with your carrier, I guess. :)

But don't ask me where you can find these missions. :P
If you try to do the big missions in Alpha, you will need more than a VHF. Any mission over 250k has a chance of caps. Sometimes LOTS of caps.
' Wrote:not the do-gooder america style democracy I was looking for.

America is not a true democracy. A true democracy is a terrible way to govern. But yeah, I don't know of anywhere other than the places listed.
America is a Capitalist Democracy.

Which is not a pure democracy AKA a True Democracy.

Thus, joo r owned.
Representative democracy, actually.
' Wrote:Try to do mission, where you can kill Battlships/Cruisers. Each one drops at least one Sirius Credit card (100 000$) plus the pilots plus the equipment. You can do it with your carrier, I guess. :)

But don't ask me where you can find these missions. :P

you can get em by the bushels in Gamma
Not sure what's up with the whole American Democracy thing guys. United States is a Republic- not a democracy. I pledge allegiance to the flag, and to the republic for which it stands...
There are no Mitions that pull in the amount you are looking for, And mining got nerfed.
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