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Full Version: "Corrupt character" kick
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I got kicked while un-docking and now I can't reconnect.

The message is pretty hard to read because it's covered by the standard Freelancer dialog bozes, but I'm pretty sure it says

"You will be kicked. Corrupt character" or something along those lines.

My other character (on the same account) connects just fine.

The "broken" character is Aztech.

What do I do now?
How much money did it have on it?
not quite sure, somewhere around 10 mil I think

I had made a transfered 40 mil into it a couple of days ago when I upgraded my ship and I haven't really kept track of my cash.

Well, then you're nowhere near to corrupting your character with money.
I'm out of ideas now.
Ohhh...neat; all fixed.
Diamond geezer. Cheers.

(lost a turret in the process, but tbh -- small price to pay).