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Full Version: Question concerning IFF's
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i' dug out my old Freelancer CD and started playing on the Discovery 24/7 RP Server some days ago.

I understand the rules, but still have the following problem:

I have at the moment the Liberty Police "blinking" in the F8 screen. My rep with them is one block from the max, as are several others. DSE too. How could i change my IFF to DSE? Doing missions for them won't change anything and I couldn't find any place to bribe them.

I can't think of a solution to my problem and hope to get help here because I would really like to become a miner soon.



use /droprep to drop your IFF rep

do DSE missions until its your IFF.
Ah thanks. Didn't think to look in the ingame commands to help myself:)
Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay. Please ignore the politics, flaming, and general asshattery and you'll be fine:)Feel free to ask any questions about RP or rules right here, I'm always willing to help.
Welcome to Disco!:yahoo:

And yes, you can use /droprep.

You can also just shoot at the LPI. That works. More ways to get around a problem is always good.:)
(plan B).
Don't let anybody see you farming NPCs. And don't tractor in the pods if you're DSE. Just leads to triggerhappy idiots attacking you.