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Full Version: Discussion on how much Mercenary escorts should be paid.
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Now my mercenaries are not the kind who would go chasing after bounties all the time, mainly because I'm crap at PVP. I prefer my mercs to be hired as escorts for convoys or traders, but a lot of the time the traders pay me a crap amount of money (not all, just some), so I think it should be discussed how much mercs deserved to be paid, because using my mrc is also another way for me to earn money, because trading is boring and I still don't have anyone to take advantage of the mining mod with. So heres what I think they should be paid.

- 500K credits up front and the start of the journey
- 300K per system (Ex: Escorting 5 systems means 500K + 4(300K) = 1.7 Million
- In Nomad controlled systems or systems in which NPC's are up to par with player technology (such as Delta, where you have nomads or Omega 49 where NPC's fly titans, if your hostile to corsairs) the pay grade should rise at least 150K more, so if your passing through 4 nomad systems, escort should be paid 500K + 3(450K) = 1.85 Million credits in total (correct me if my math is wrong).
- Get ambushed a gunboat or multiple pirates/player hostiles and succesfully destroy all of them? Should be paid an extra million for the escorts efforts (if they destroyed all targets that is).

Considering most traders earn roughly 5 - 10 Million per run, I don't think this is too much to ask for. Why not form up convoys and split the cost for that mercenary? Thats even better.

Anyways thats how I WISH I could work, unfortunately its not like that. Anyways what d you guys think is a fair amount of payment to a merc?
Kishiro pays low per kill. For example Xeno blanket bounties were 300k per hit when Kishiro isn't present and not using the route. Could be lower even more.

When Kishiro trader is present and wants to use the route, every xeno kill on its way could be negotiated to up to 1mil per kill.

When escort actually saves kishiro transport from a pirate (hardly), the trader pays additional 500k to the escort from his pocket.

For mining purposes. All escorts are actually standing 10k from mining spot and denying anyone entry inside. Even miners. (Yes even other miners)
When trouble arrives, they're expected to stop it, and then they can flee away to joining the fleeing mining fleet. Thats what you're paid for.
And you are paid for upon successful transfer of the gold. I guess two escorts can get 10 mil each easily when those 5k gold are unloaded.

That's about it.
I think your making it waay to complicated.
Maybe its a nice "contract" thinking of the role-play and such.. but meh... I still think it's too complicated.

I usually just give 10% of profit. Plain, simple and it's fair. And usually the longer and more dangorus the run is the profit it gives. So. Win - Win.
Pay them however much you think they have earned. I don't think a payscale is really necessary, unless you're negotiating a long term contract with mercenaries.
Becouse - powertrades suffers - No one is wanting to pay for an escort becouse they do not want to pay the money. Just same as they do not want to pay the money to pirates (oh and then you get pirated, or been blown up for a reason, goes raging on forums "do not rp" like comments).

' Wrote:Becouse - powertrades suffers - No one is wanting to pay for an escort becouse they do not want to pay the money. Just same as they do not want to pay the money to pirates (oh and then you get pirated, or been blown up for a reason, goes raging on forums "do not rp" like comments).

We KNOW that, this isn't a thread about that. There are some traders who will pay for the sake of RP, but I have found a few that still only pay 500K thinking thats the standard price, I'd rather see the standard payment for escorts around 1.5 - 2 Million per run because mercs are the only source of income for some people.
I'll pay you 2 million for escort easily if you will pay when pirates stop us.

People don't think they need escorts mostly because everyone can live without one cargo hold loss. About 4 million credits down the drain.
But ore transports need escorts.

Only problem is that you need to advertise your services often and offer escorts to everyone around. Then you might get profit. I was trying to actually try to make living as an merc and it's quite hard.
but doable.
I pay pretty much whatever the escort asks, within reason.

I'd happily pay for 500K for a scout job, anywhere up to 2mill on a proper escort job.
Last time I did an escort mission - and this was with someone not even affiliated with the BHG| - I ended up getting paid 500K up front, and another 1 million upon completion. Run from Omicron Delta back in to New Berlin, which ended up going somewhere else when the guy found himself hostile to the planet due to ... issues ... with his rep.

Normally we charge 500K up front, and then it just goes up from there.

Since I mostly escort for the RP, I don't really care. During the run I tell the person I'm escorting a story or two, and share some of my tea with him/her:)
But, of course, I do have my opinion of what an escort should earn. About maybe 10% of the traders profit with a cherry on top.
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