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Full Version: Rheinland attitudes towards the GMG
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This is based on some varied comments I have been seeing from some people.

To me, I think that opinions of the GMG would be mixed. Its a bit like asking "Do Americans still hate the Japanese for Peal Harbour", some still do! But most dont care, and are quite happy to purchase Japanese products - some of them even like Hello Kitty and Japanese performance vehicles;)not to mention Anime...

1) The war itself is long over, but up until about 10 years ago in game time, the GMG was still implicated in raids into Frankfurt.

2) In terms of trade, the Guild and Rheinland havent traded directly, it has always been through the third party of Kishiro Technologies. Not having as much contact with Guild Citizens would keep a certain amount of mystery about them.

3) On the other hand, Rheinland trade vessels (with the exception of Kruger) have been passing through the Sigmas for a long time now.

4) Then of course there is the Liberty war. The Guild trades with Liberty, but the Rheinland government would be sure to trumpet this deal as a major boost to the war effort, one that is badly needed.

But what do Rheinland characters really think of all this?