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Full Version: A possible solution to a Nomad Morph problem
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I recently purchased a nomad morph, and one of the things which irks me (apart from the lack of stuff for sale on the shrine, but that's been done to death already) is the fact that the nomad npcs will still try to kill you. The answer in the past has always been "We can't let nomad morphs onto nomad bases" but I see a way around it. Watch a planet for a while, say New Tokyo. It's KSP owned, but as you can see, other ships including the Hogosha will land on it from time to time. See where I'm going here?

My suggestion is to create a new faction, The Keepers, and transfer ownership of the nomad bases to them, then change the rephack on the nomad trial ID so that nomads become neutral or friendly, but keepers stay hostile. This would lead to the nomad morphs being unable to dock on bases except for the shrine, but would solve the problem of being shot to pieces in a rather ooRP way by the nomads flying around elsewhere.
There is a development going in that area, although I'd rather not disclose the details for the time being. I understand this might be not the answer you're looking for, but that's all I can offer for now. Details will be published when certain technical issues will be resolved, I just don't want to mislead anyone by saying things that might turn different in the end.