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Full Version: How to create new Accounts
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Seeing as the only other tutorial to do with this (And apparantly the usual practice) is to make new windows user accounts, which takes time and memory as well as causing some mess, I thought I'd post this little method that is pretty easy to use and requires no new user accounts.

Switching accounts without using FAM

Open 'Run'. (You can do this by pressing your windows key + R at the same time.)
Type in regedit and whack enter.
Hunt down your FL install registry details (Should be there somewhere. Mine is under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Microsoft Games/Freelancer)
Click on '1.0'
You'll see your account key is listed there and some other details.
Copy and paste both the MPAccountName and MPAccountNameSig information into notepad and save it somewhere.

To make a new account

Delete that information in regedit (That is your registry btw)
Start up FL and go to multiplayer, it will generate a new account key etc for you.
If you run regedit again, there will be the new information.
To switch between the accounts, simply replace the MPAccountName and MPAccountNameSig information with the first account's details and vice versa.

Works as many times as you want and doesn't require a new User account. It takes about 1 minute or less once you've done it the first time, you know where everything is.

Just a fair warning here. If you change something you shouldn't, you alone are responsible for the problems that occur. However if something good happens, you can give me the credit:lol:
Sounds risky for me - I'll do it the old fashion way.
' Wrote:Sounds risky for me - I'll do it the old fashion way.

Agreed. I use a blank PC with XP on it.

No seriously, it gets formatted for no reason cos I get bored XD

So I make my accounts, export them in FLAM, copy them over to this PC, and everything's shiny.

Then I format it. XDD
I have an easier solution. I add a dummy account manualy to FLAM with account code and signature of 'aaa' for example. Than when I start FL it just creates a new one for me, what could be scanned from registry also by FLAM.
actually it makes perfect sense.. in theory. However, messing with the registry is kinda like a brain surgeon operating on themselves. Not advisable.
If you don't know what you're doing ... leave the Registry alone.
' Wrote:If you don't know what you're doing ... leave the Registry alone.

I certainly agree on Baltar
Good stuff, mate. Works like a charm.
You successfully grave dug a year old thread! Good job!

But anyhow.

There's a program that does this for you now. I think it's under Tutorials as a sticky.
Since Kaz decided to go ahead and release the ID Generator, this tutorial obsolete.
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