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Make it a points system, have the kudos points stack up and reflect on the person's RP as a whole. Positive kudos for good RP and negative for TAX3MILRDAI.

Good way to distinguish quality of RP.

ps. and don't include this command in /help so the lolwuts don't know how to use it.
This is an awesome idea!

Hope this get's implemented...
another database?

i like the idea though.
nice idea really. Furthermore it would get bit easier to find guys to RP with rather than running into shooting lolwutt caps. I would want this ingame .
No negatives please, or actually... tons of negatives please, i'll be proud:D
This is one of the best "/summon"s I've seen, You'll Receive an In-Game Kudos from me if we get this in Game:P
This could be abused as another form of "universe chat", though. I suppose that could be avoided, though; make a rule about it, or something.

But I don't know. The idea seems a little odd to me. Also, some people just don't care about a "Kudos to so-and-so, a character who you've never met and probably never will, for something they did a dozen or more systems away from you." Granted, that's not what it would be like every time, but there are just a lot of people you don't care about.
Somehow I dont think giving every player the ability to make a server notification would work too well... Although I do like the principle of the idea.
Orrrr this:

/kudos CHARNAME For being awesome.
CHARNAME gets a little message popping up saying the above and a +1 to his kudos count.
If you want to check the kudos of a character, type /kudoscount CHARNAME to get the number they have.

Doesn't break the roleplay experience for others then. I know I definitely don't want 'so and so is awesome' as a system chat thing.
< likes ^ . keeps the RP environment and still serves a good function. of course people could get an artificially inflated kudos, but that could be countered with credits and time. Some or all of the credits could even go to the other player, I have received and given plenty of credit kudos in the past, this would just create a system for it.
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