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In ETA I see corsairs who can kill my sabre in under 10 seconds, with 2 titans, but I've NEVER seen an outcast patrol that strong.
' Wrote:In ETA I see corsairs who can kill my sabre in under 10 seconds, with 2 titans, but I've NEVER seen an outcast patrol that strong.
Actually there is no need to nerf the corsairs.. You might want to submit a request to Mjolnir though - He is the head of the balanceteam. Just ask him to buff masternerdguy.

That is the best solution, since most other players don't have a problem with corsair NPC's when flying a Sabre.

A & L Guy
That's NPC Patrols using MK2 Fighters. They are good like that. Hell don't ask me what I do if I run into a Guardian or Avenger Patrol.
' Wrote:In ETA I see <strike>corsairs</strike> Outcasts who can kill my <strike>sabre</strike> Titan in under 10 seconds, with 2 <strike>titans</strike> Sabres.

Yeah, you've got it all wrong. Everybody knows that Titan's a suicide ship in Eta.
You must be a crappy pilot if two titans kill you in ten seconds.

No offense though I was that bad when I started playing too.
See, this is why helpful folks made a rant template for everyone to use.

____Corsairs____ <strike>is</strike>/are overpowered/<strike>a lolwut</strike>/<strike>lolwuts</strike>.
<strike>He</strike>/<strike>She</strike>/They ____shot me____ <strike>while I was powertrading</strike>.
<strike>Ban</strike> <strike>_______________</strike>/Nerf ____Corsairs____!
You know what? I actually agree with him, but in a more generalized way - outside of Guard systems and Nomad/Wild space, I don't think any NPCs should be that damn strong and have CDs.

Ever fly a Scimitar through there? Not so fun actually.
I'd agree with Thexare.
Sometimes, NPCs are way too strong, and more often than not, it's the Titan NPCs that stick in my mind as an example of this, all over the Omegas and Omicrons. Maybe there's other factions that are overpowered, but for some reason I just think of Corsair Titans when this is mentioned.
* schlurbi looks at Bloodhound and Dagger Patrols in Liberty. Looks into the other Way at a Siege Cruiser and Gunboat Patrol.

I'd rather have it like that. Just a little bit better unlawful NPC within House Space.
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