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well first i have flmm 1.31 installed, as i know there are problems with ver 1.4.

i have many mods in fl folder crossfire (not tested lol), void (played for some time leaved...chars wiped...played again and then leave again 3 months ago for disco),...but only 1 discovery active.

?is that a problem? (there are problems between them FLMM advice of that)

i want to test BSG mod, and frontierspace, for how much time i can be out of disco without problems? (i dont have chars in clans).

Well, WTS and Frontierspace are known that they'll leave you cruising at 600m/s if you got FLMM 1.4.

Enable/Disable and see. I suggest you first make a copy of the Freelancer Folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer) freshly installed and overwrite the old one after disabling WTS/Frontierspace or whatever mod you played then activating Discovery.

The inactive player wipes are about every two months.