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Full Version: Adding a sub-forum
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I agree, when the faction you have chosen has multiple ships at its disposal, it's often hard to decide which one to take, this may alleviate this problem.
This would be good, ship feedback should go into Mod Balance shouldn't it? But a dedicated sub-forum for these things might kick off more interest. the most reviews the forum gets is complaints against them I think.


As long as you make sure decent pilots review the ships, it could work. Offcourse the reviews will have to be...reviewed.
We have a ship-review section, it's called Mod Balance. It's a cesspit of "Nerf This" and "NO U" and locked threads. Great reading really.

As for faction reviews, there's Faction Feedback. Another cesspit of "No U" and "You ganked me, I gank you harder" and locked threads.
Oh and we have wiki for similiar purpose, well perhaps not all can have their say there, but atleast it doesn't ends in "NO U" way