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Full Version: Admin notice: Player sanctioned
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The.Joker has been sanctioned for:

Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

Consequences: Fined 80million credits.

Jokesy Jokes. This isn't the first time man... Complaining about ganking in system chat, I've seen that from you a lot. If you're mad at something like that, then just do your Q_Q in your own time on skype. It's not for the server. Keep it in RP (note, 'gank' is not an RP term).

Second, I'm more than a little concerned by the fact you decided to drop that thing about "PS, screen this. 3.1. just for my pleasure."

It's almost as if you're baiting people into reporting you for some strange masochistic reason, and I don't think that's too cool.

Anyway... next time you get busted for the OOC thing, it'll be a hell of a lot more than 80mill.

Admin Link to Report



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
1. I'm a little disappointed, JihadJoe. I expected to receive this sanction the day after, not two days after.

2. This time I'm actually guilty for something. That's a good start.

3. Of course I did this on purpose and I felt, and I'm still feeling, pretty good about it. This is not that click & express-your-frustrations Counter Strike, imagine that. Those kids need to learn how to behave. There's no fun in 10 people attacking one. The game looses its magic sooner or later. At least that's how it's with me. But those angry scavengers who can't wait but to get as fast as they can get near me just to start shooting without ANY announcement (and that's hard to prove most of times) is what brings a real smile to my face. It's like I'm giving away free copies of Freelancer, haha.

4. You're no different, I won't lie, pretend or keep quiet except that you're not that much eager to start shooting right away but you actually pro-RP like 35% of people playing on this server. And yes, you gank only in 40-50% of cases, at least when it comes to encounters with me.

5. Anger? Masochism? You used the wrong terms for the wrong kind of person.

6. Does anything that I wrote here really matter? Of course not. But do remind me to leave more money on that char next time I get sanctioned so you can actually take more money away from me because I tried to advertise 0.0 rule. Bye for now.

Edit: [singing]
I wish I was in Gankoland, hooray, hooray.
In Gankoland I'm take my stand to live and die as non-Gankey.
1. Sanctions get processed when possible. Delays are occasional and the speed with which a sanction is posted is in no way reflective of the severity of the sanction or violation or any personal opinion that Administrators may have.

2. If you believe you were sanctioned unfairly before, please bring it to the attention of the Server Administrators - there are several.

3. Ganging up to destroy a ship is one thing. Deliberate rule-breaking is another thing. There is never any need for OOC talk in the game, ever. It destroys immersion in the game and ruins one of the most important things that allows a role-playing atmosphere to exist in the game.

4. I fail to see how Joe is personally implicated in this. He is the Administrator posting the sanction. The anonymity of the reporter is preserved until such time as that person wishes to make his or her self known.

5. I won't comment on these as I don't think they are entirely relevant to the substance of your response.

6. Rule 0.0 is a general appeal to players to not have a complete disregard for other players. There is no rule against "ganking" - not only would such a rule be unenforceable but to many people's ways of thinking such a rule is undesirable.

What rules there are on the server are for the server administrator's to publicise. We encourage people to discuss rules and come to understandings as players - if it happens in game, it should be done via PM's. If it is something that can be resolved via faction feedback, then that would be the appropriate forum for that, not in the game and in chat that non-grouped players can read.

Not everyone wishes to play the game on the same terms as everyone else. In some situations, people will get outnumbered and overpowered - it is a necessary consequence of a role-playing game set in a violent future. If this was CounterStrike, we would have auto-team balance - but that is not the case. The Discovery engine is more complex, involves more players and has a set of mechanics that allows three or four or more players to attack one in more powerful ships, even though most recent developments in the game engine have shown ways to present the worst excesses of this kind occurring. We fully understand that it's not always pleasant as a player to experience this, but the setback is at worst temporary.


I have the odd feeling this is about the fight near the Cali gate in New York, if it's not, delete or ignore this comment.

Let me just say that bringing 2 gunboats, a bomber and a couple of fighters into New York is a bad idea, especially for someone with a name this familiar. Also, our cap (I believe it was a battlecruiser) was not engaging yet, until the freelancer who was helping you started firing at it, you should keep your goons under control.

This is what happens when a dangerous terrorist enters the capital of a house. You were given ample time to leave, but insisted on staying, even after several wings of Navy pilots and Bounty Hunters (me being one of them) were closing in on your position.
1. I'm aware of delays, I was just kidding around.

2. Yes, 4 times but not with this character. And you handled some of those sanctions which is why I sincerely adore you Athenian, believe it or not.

3. Some people in NY pm me from time to time telling me that they won't participate in gankoton that is taking place at that given moment. That didn't happen before. So Athenian, what I'm trying to do here is actually being welcomed by some players more than before. Things are changing, although VERY slow and in small percentages.

4. Nothing personally with JihadJoe, I actually like that guy for being a fan of QOTSA. What I was trying to point out is that Administrators should sometimes encourage fairplay. If players notice that, some of them will surely look up to you guys. That's my suggestion.

5. These terms were relevant but I wasn't the first who used them.

6. Question... regarding this rule... If I gotta screen of 10 people attacking me only, are they breaking 0.0 rule? (in this particular case I attacked only two of them, others joined in (entered system) later).

I'm sure you'll say that they are not breaking any rule and maybe I wouldn't even want you to say that they are, BUT wouldn't be a little bit better and enjoyable with more sense of fair-play all around when you log in to play and relax?

Loosing 80 millions for delivering this message is nothing. THAT'S my point. At least 5 people will get what I'm talking about and that's a start.

Edit: Laran no, this is not related to that fight.
1. Understood.

2. Which sanction was unwarranted? Link and post to a Administrator.
I don't get why you mention me. I "handle" a lot of sanctions - ie, post the details, but they are discussed and agreed on by the team. If you are suggesting that I or any other Administrator was the cause of an unfair sanction, then I'd like you to provide Igiss or indeed any other Administrator with a clear accusation with evidence that you were punished unfairly. Unwarranted sanctions have and will be overturned.

3. Fair-play is relative. Not everyone may agree with you. If you want to make changes don't do it in game and out of character. Out of character speech is against the rules.

4. Administrators encourage a great deal of things, depending on what they value, but their duties are clear

Quote:1.3 Administrators are obliged:

- To ensure work of Discovery Freelancer server;
- To be fair and treat all players equally, independent of their level and faction alignment;
- Not to mix server roleplaying with server administration in any way;
- Not to ignore any cases of server rules violations that are reported.

Insisting on fair fights, one could argue, is beyond the remit of Administrators. It's a blurred line. What matters is that players play within the rules and that how they choose to play is left open to them, so long as it doesn't clash with the rules.

5. not my concern

Quote:0.0 Be excellent to one another. Consider the people around you. Keep fair play in mind. It's a game and nothing is gained, or lost, save the experience. Credits can be re-earned. Ammunition replenished. If you become infuriated step away. If you make a mistake apologize. If you wish to remain in system after you die, or after someone has moved away, simply ask.

Fair play, a level head and consideration for others.

One person versus ten? Well, I've been there. It's not against the rules, nor should it be.

I would humbly suggest that logging on to relax in NY is an oxymoron, especially for a character that prides himself on fame gleaned through murder, theft and other wrongdoings. If Bin Laden was found to be wandering down Fifth Avenue I imagine he would get "ganked" as well. No hitting the Respawn button for him either.
' Wrote:6. Question... regarding this rule... If I gotta screen of 10 people attacking me only, are they breaking 0.0 rule? (in this particular case I attacked only two of them, others joined in (entered system) later).

I'm sure you'll say that they are not breaking any rule and maybe I wouldn't even want you to say that they are, BUT wouldn't be a little bit better and enjoyable with more sense of fair-play all around when you log in to play and relax?

Forgive me to intrude but wouldn't people who just join in a fight later without saying anything be guilty violating rule 5.2?

Rule 5.2 Wrote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.
Athenian you're comparing Bin Laden to The Joker? Haha. That's a joke, considering that the Joker is a PIRATE and has NO terrorist ID nor he'll probably ever get one.

This could continue for ages. All I'm talking about is fair-play and all you do is taking quotes and arguing. I'm done here. Close this thread for all I care.
' Wrote:This could continue for ages. All I'm talking about is fair-play and all you do is taking quotes and arguing. I'm done here. Close this thread for all I care.

Encourage fair play? Yes... I think administrative team often does do this. But never at the expense of roleplay.

Ultimately, it's down to you to just deal with it. You want infamy for the character? Then I guess you're going to have to deal with everything that brings.

Aside from being an admin, I'm a member of both the phantoms and keepers. Both factions receive the same treatment as you do in game if not worse. Members of those factions, to my knowlege, don't scream about getting ganked in system Perhaps if you held yourself to the same standards then you would appear in a better light.