Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Kicked from server for Base Idling after I got killed
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. question...i had the strange issue yesterday that I was fighting in my Freelancer against NPC in a Misssion, who shot me down.When I hit the Respawn Button I was at the FP in Bering but right after I saw the docked ship I got the Red Message: You got kicked for Base idling. Result was i was kicked from the server and yeah i think you know it for your own how difficult it is to cenneckt to the server when there are 197 players online...

Now my question is how can that happen? I mean how can i do base idling when I just got shot by NPC ?

Admins may help.

I've known it to happen when killed by "real" players as well, mate.

Good question.
Noone is real on teh intarwebz!

But yeah, this has happened to me a few times too.
It's a known bug. I shall fix it tomorrow (seriously, I have the day off)
Well Cannon is looking into it, but if you want my thoughts (I doubt that you want them, but what the hell), when you don't talk (while you are docked) for 15 minutes you get kicked for base Idling, when you are outside (that means, undocked) and you don't talk for 15 minutes, then you get killed, you are kicked by base Idling. That's what I think is happening, however, this statement is enterily based on none game test, and none inteligent backup. Thank you.