Discovery Gaming Community

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ok admins please read this iam here to tell that My LAN is connected with my internet so whenever a phonecall comes my internet get disturbed and i get disconnected thats the problem Happend when i met that pirate i belive in magglean i got a phone call i was disconnected then tried to get into the server but it showed your account is already in please try after some time that was a problem for me i ask excuse please return back my 100 millions

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Does this even exist anymore? Oh well.

Please post in flood when you get a disconnect to be on the safe side in the future.
If you don't do it like the last time, you will lose your credits.
Also try to get back online and try to aplogize to the player(s) nearby and continue the encounter.

I am sorry, we won't refund you the fined credits.

And as a further notice:
If this happens frequently and coincidentally every time when you get pirated or are going to die, you will lose your money again. A post with "oh my router died" is not a get out of jail card every time.

It can happen every here and then, but happening frequently it will get you into trouble.


EDIT: Got rid of annoying +1 posts here.